Dogs breath-taking variations can be seen especially in the their different head shapes, ear types, and coat varieties and colours.
Each dog bread has a certain “look” – a characteristic head shape, similar ears and coats – and all members of the breed will share that look. It’s the result of selective breeding of the past couple of centuries. Some breeds, such as Airedales or West Highland white terries, have one standard style. But others, such as poodles or daschunds, come in a variety of colours – anywhere from a couple to many – a couple coat types, and maybe even different sizes. But they still have a characteristic look. No one is going to mistake a daschund (no matter what colour, size, or coat type) for an Airedale.
Different type of dog head shapes
Dogs’ heads come in three basic shapes, with variations on each. Key differences are the length of the muzzle and the degree of the “stop,” the dip from the skull to the muzzle.
Medium dog head shape – mesocephalic:
Most dog have a head of medium proportions both length and width with a significant stop, or dip, from the skull to the muzzle. The formal term for this is a mesocephalic.
Long and narrow dog head shapes – dolichocephalic:
Typical of sight hounds, a long and narrow head – formally called a dolichocephalic head – has a much less noticeable stop between its skull and muzzle.
Short and broad dog head shapes – Brachycephalic
This is impressive head type – called brachycephalic – is typical of bulldogs, Pekingese and Shih Tzu. The skull is almost as wide as it is long it has a deep stop.
Different dog ear types
All dogs’ ears originally stood up like little triangle on top of their heads, similar to wolves ears. But centuries of selective breeding have created a large variety, and ears now help distinguish one breed from another.
In general, dogs’ ears fall into three main types:
- Erect (standing up or pointy ears)
- Semi-erect (standing up with a part tipped over),
- Drop (hanging down in some fashion)
Within those broad categories are many variations.
Types of dogs ears:
Button Ears – Semi-erect ears with tops that fold forward almost in half, with the front forming a V-Shape
Bat ears – Broad, erect ears with broad bases and round tops. These ears naturally face forward
Erect Ears – Ears that stan up and open toward the front
Candle-Flame Ears – Naturally erect ears that are broader at the base and taper to a point at the top
Folded Ears – Long, drop pendant ears that fall in folds, with the lower parts curling
Pendant Ears – Long, drop ears that hang down, common on hounds. They come in many variations.
Rose ears – Semi-erect ears that fold in the such a way to resemble to folds of a rose.
As you can see there are key physical apperances that show how various dog breeds look and collectively bring all these dog breeds together