My dog ate fertiliser! Here’s what to do (our veterinary answers)

Whether you just spread fertiliser on your lawn or water your favourite plant, your dog can easily access this common household product. But is fertiliser toxic to dogs? Should you worry if your dog ate fertiliser? Let’s take a look at this product that improves plants and decide if it is safe for our dogs.

Why are dogs attracted to fertilisers?

Who knows! For some dogs, eating things they shouldn’t be a life goal! For others, it’s a medical disorder called cock. Whatever camp your dog falls into, there is a high chance that he will eat something he shouldn’t at some point! Fertiliser is sometimes eaten by the most sensitive dogs if they walk through it and then lick it from their cushions. Many fertilisers, especially organic fertilisers, are made of blood or fish – things your dog will probably find tempting! Finally, fertiliser is sometimes placed on a corncob base to make it easier to spread, and it may be that this tempting snack is what makes your dog feel attracted to the fertiliser.

Is fertiliser dangerous for dogs?

Fertiliser may be toxic to dogs, but how toxic depends on the type of fertiliser. Most fertilisers contain a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – the amounts are usually listed on the back as the N-P-K ratio. They usually also contain a combination of other minerals, such as copper, manganese, molybdenum, boron, iron, cobalt and zinc.

For most standard garden fertilisers, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron are the main toxic compounds. However, fortunately, they are poorly absorbed and usually cause gastric disorders, such as salivation, vomiting and diarrhoea. In fact, they are so poorly absorbed that impaction, constipation and intestinal obstruction are a major concern when large amounts of fertiliser are ingested. Fertilisers with large amounts of iron can also cause iron toxicity, which may present symptoms days after the first ingestion of the fertiliser.

But the most dangerous fertilisers, and those you should look for the most, are those mixed with other products, such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides or other additives. Some of these other ingredients can be very toxic and even fatal for pets.

Finally, you should be aware of fungal contamination, especially in open bags of fertilisers that have been stored for some time. Moll fertilisers may contain mycotoxins that can be very dangerous for dogs. If your dog has entered the fertiliser bag, you should carefully look for signs of mould before calling the veterinarian.

How much fertiliser will make a dog sick?

The amount of fertiliser that will be toxic to your dog depends on the type of fertiliser and the size of your dog. Approximately, the dose you should worry about your dog is 0.5 g of fertiliser for every 2 lb of body weight. In other words, a 20 lb dog should definitely visit the veterinarian if it eats only a teaspoon of fertiliser. For liquid fertilisers, the risk of impaction is lower, but the same calculation applies – 5ml of fertiliser should mean a call to the veterinarian.

Symptoms of fertiliser poisoning in dogs

The first symptom of fertiliser toxicity that you will probably see in your dog is gastric disorder. Vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling and nausea are all the first symptoms of a problem. For the most toxic fertilisers, or in the case of large intakes, you may also experience abdominal pain, stiff walking, weakness or seizures. If your dog has abnormally coloured gums, seizures or difficulty breathing, take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

My dog ate fertiliser – what should I do?

  • Evaluate your dog for emergency signs, such as difficulty breathing, swelling or gums with abnormal colouration.
  • Make sure your dog (and any other pets!) Don’t get any more fertiliser. This means quickly cleaning up any spills or locking your pets in another room while assessing the damage.
  • Find the brand, manufacture and ingredients of the fertiliser. This will be on the back of the package, but if you can’t read it, you should at least try to determine the brand and brand of the fertiliser.
  • Call your veterinary clinic (or an emergency clinic if the usual clinic is closed) and explain the situation. In the United States, you can choose to call the Pet Poison Helpline directly for advice before talking to your veterinarian.
  • Follow their recommendations for future investigations and treatment.

What is the treatment for dog fertiliser poisoning?

For some types of fertilisers, no treatment may be necessary. For example, a young and large dog with a very small amount of natural fertiliser may not need to go to the veterinarian for treatment. However, this depends a lot on the type of fertiliser your dog has eaten, so it is essential that you call the veterinarians and do not make this decision yourself.

For dogs that need to go to the clinic, treatment will depend on how recently they have eaten the fertiliser and the symptoms they are presenting. If your dog has eaten the fertiliser in the last few hours, it is likely that your veterinarian will try to ‘decontaminate’ – in other words, they will make your dog get sick to remove the fertiliser from your system.

If your dog already has symptoms of fertiliser poisoning, there is no antidote. Instead, your veterinarian will treat the symptoms that are appearing. Anti-vomiting drugs, intestinal protectors and anti-diarrrhoeals can be used. If your dog is at risk of dehydration, liquids can be administered drop by drop. Pain relief may also be necessary if your dog is showing signs of abdominal or muscle pain.

Rarely, dogs may need surgery to treat an intestinal obstruction. This is unusual, but it can happen when dogs eat a large amount of relatively indigestible fertiliser, especially if the fertiliser has a corncob base to facilitate dissemination.


How long after fertilisation can I let my dog out?

You should always read the instructions about your fertiliser completely. If you are using liquid fertiliser, once it has dried, it is safe – 72 hours after application should be enough to allow it to dry. For granular fertilisers, you should wait until the fertiliser falls into the soil, or water after application to allow it to be distributed in the soil. 24 hours after substantial watering should be abundant.

Is citrus fertiliser bad for dogs?

Citrus fertilisers vary widely in composition, but usually have an approximately equal amount of nitrogen and potassium and less phosphorus (20-10-20 or 8-2-10). They also contain other ingredients, such as iron and manganese. Citrus fertiliser is likely not more dangerous for your dog than any other fertiliser, but if your dog drinks or eats citrus fertiliser, you should call your veterinarian or pet poison helpline with the information on the back of the package to be sure.

What happens if my dog eats blood and bone fertiliser?

Blood and bone fertiliser is a type of organic fertiliser that contains – you guessed it! – dry blood and crushed bones. It usually comes with ground and dried fish – ‘fish, blood and bone’. It’s not hard to see why dogs like to eat this fertiliser! The N-P-K ratio varies according to the formulation, and some products have added other ingredients – although most do not. Therefore, fish, blood and bone fertiliser is one of the safest for dogs to consume and will probably only cause gastric disorders. However, because of the flavour, your dog is likely to eat more – so call the veterinarian or helpline about pet poisons if you think they have served themselves more than a tablespoon!

What happens if my dog eats Miracle-Gro?

Miracle-Gro is a brand – they make various types of fertilisers, from granules to liquids. Because of the huge variety of products, it is always a good idea to call poison control or the veterinarian if your dog has ingested Miracle-Gro.

What happens if my dog eats chicken manure fertiliser?

Assuming there are no other ingredients added, chicken manure fertiliser is one of the safest fertilisers for dogs. Although eating chicken poop is not good, it is not likely to hurt after a little vomiting and diarrhoea. You should watch your dog for signs of stomach problems, but if you are sure that there are no other ingredients and no mould contamination, you can avoid running to the emergency clinic.

My dog ate tomato fertiliser – what now?

Tomato fertiliser is rich in potassium. Most tomato fertilisers are liquid formulations and have an N-P-K of about 4-2-6. They may also have added magnesium, especially if the bottle indicates ‘seaweed extract’. They are no more toxic than other fertilisers and you should evaluate how much your dog has ingested and then call your veterinarian or pet poisoning helpline.

Will Scotts Fertiliser hurt dogs?

Like Miracle-Gro, Scotts is a brand and they make a wide variety of products. Like all fertilisers, they can be dangerous – you should call the pet poisoning helpline or the veterinarian for advice.

My dog ate rose fertiliser – will he be okay?

Rose fertiliser usually contains high potassium content, but usually contains several other minerals, such as molybdenum, lead and zinc. These added ingredients mean that it is a little more dangerous than other fertilisers. You should call your pet’s or veterinarian’s poison control for advice on what to do next.

My dog ate land for pots with fertiliser – is it safe?

The amount of fertiliser in your potting soil will be minimal. A piece of potted earth with added fertiliser will contain much less fertiliser than a bit of fertiliser straight from the bag. However, the soil for potting really complicates things. As impaction is a major concern, the soil will increase the volume of fertiliser and increase the likelihood of constipation and intestinal obstruction. If your dog eats potted earth with fertiliser, you should contact your veterinarian, who can discuss how to make your dog sick.

My dog ate azalea fertiliser – will he be okay?

Azaleas are plants that like acids, so azalea fertiliser has a different composition from normal fertiliser. Although the formulas vary, they usually have many micronutrients, including iron. In addition, chemicals are formulated to be available even in acidic conditions, such as the stomach. This type of fertiliser is therefore one of the most dangerous for pets and you should call the pet poison helpline for information as soon as you realise that your pet has ingested azalea fertiliser.

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