Can dogs eat avocado oil? Is Avacated oil safe for dogs?

Avocado oil is a popular ingredient in cooking that has gained popularity in recent years. Avocado is a famous example of food with good fat. In moderation, avocado and avocado oil are healthy additions to a balanced human diet, but what about our canine friends?

You may have heard that avocado is toxic to dogs and that you should not feed your dog with avocado under any circumstances. This is a half truth. The myth persists because of a chemical substance present in the stem and skin of avocados, called persine, which is toxic to dogs. Avocado flour and avocado oil are both non-toxic to dogs and can be consumed in small doses. In this article, we will separate the fact from fiction and get to the bottom of the debate on avocado.

A Persistent Myth

A common myth is that avocados and, by extension, avocado oil are toxic to dogs. Like many myths, there is an element of truth in this. The stems, leaves and skin of the avocado have concentrations of a chemical called persin, which is toxic to dogs and causes stomach problems, vomiting and diarrhoea if consumed in large enough doses.

The part of the avocado we eat and use to make guacamole does not contain significant amounts of persina, nor avocado oil, so both are safe for your dog to eat. In fact, there are some dog foods that contain avocado and avocado oil for their nutritional benefits. These foods are derived from the part of the green fruit we usually eat and are therefore totally safe for dogs.

It is important to mention that even the safe part of the avocado contains a little persina and, in large quantities, can harm your dog. The only way to ensure your pet’s safety is to avoid giving them avocado. Our recommendation is not to feed your dog with avocado, but you don’t have to panic if he picks up a small amount of the fruit. Whenever you think your dog may have consumed dangerous food, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

Is avocado oil healthy for your dog?

In short, yes. The longest answer is that you should be careful when giving your dog large amounts of avocado oil because of the high fat content. High-fat foods represent a problem for the canine digestive system that is not designed to deal with fat loads. Pancreatitis is the main concern and is surprisingly common. This means that you should only give your dog small doses of avocado oil. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations for specific portions for your dog.

If you control portion size carefully, avocado oil is a great way to give your faithful friend some essential nutrients that may be missing from your diet. Avocado oil contains vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids, both important for your dog’s health. Vitamin E supports a dog’s vision, neurological health and reproductive system, and omega 3 fatty acids are good for reducing inflammation and relieving joint pain.

Two important sides


Guacamole is dangerous for dogs, but not because of the avocado content. Onions and garlic are extremely toxic to dogs and both often appear in guacamole. If your dog eats guacamole, contact a veterinarian immediately.

The pit

Be careful not to allow your dog to eat an avocado pit. These large brown wells can cause asphyxiation and also contain dangerous levels of persin. Be extremely careful when handling avocados near your furry friends. It is easy to distractedly leave a hole in the counter where a curious puppy could easily grab it.


It is probably best to avoid avocados and avocado oil if you want to avoid complications for your dog. The myth that avocado is toxic to dogs is common and – although it does not tell the whole story – it is true enough to justify care. Some dog foods use avocado oil to increase your nutritional content, but you should be careful if you want to give it to your dog. Seeing a veterinarian is always a good idea before changing or adding anything to your dog’s diet.

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