Many parents of dogs are tempted to present their fur babies with edible treats, in addition to their puppies’ daily dog food. But whether they are leftover meat or delicious roasted desserts for dogs, dog owners should always act with caution. Many human foods can be unsafe and even toxic to dogs.
If you want to prepare a delicious dish for your puppy, you may be wondering what kind of flour is approved for mutt. Although traditional flour can cause allergies in many pets, grainless flours, such as almond flours, are healthier options.
So, can your dog consume almond flour? Yes, he can. However, you should always feed your dog almond flour in small doses.
To better understand almond flour and dogs, let’s further examine this type of flour and its possible benefits and disadvantages for your dog’s health.
Can my dog eat almond flour?
As we said before, your dog CAN eat almond flour. In fact, normal almonds are perfectly safe for your pet to consume.
Many dogs love the flavour of almonds. However, some canines do not digest almonds well, which can cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea. The high fat content found in almonds can also lead to pancreatitis and obesity in the future.
As for almond flour, although you will not feed your dog with pure almond flour, baked products containing this ingredient are not toxic to dogs. Your pet can safely consume products containing almond flour, as long as it does not contain any additional additives, including sweeteners such as xylitol.
Why can’t my dog consume xylitol?
Many types of flours can contain xylitol. Although it is perfectly safe for people, this type of sugar alcohol is extremely toxic to dogs. If your pet ingests small amounts of this substance, it may suffer seizures, failure and even die.
Symptoms of xylitol poisoning in dogs may include:
- Weakness
- Trembling
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Lethargy
- Difficulty standing or walking.
- Don’t eat
If you think your dog ate xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Health benefits of almond flour for dogs
For people, eating almond flour as a substitute for white flour has many health advantages. Almond flour not only has much less sugars and carbohydrates, but can also promote digestive health and reduce the risk of cognitive diseases.
Almond flour also contains vitamin E and other antioxidants, which can combat diabetes, stroke, some types of cancer and heart disease.
But will your dog enjoy the same health benefits as almond butter? The short answer is no. Although an occasional treat containing almond butter is perfectly acceptable, do not try to improve your dog’s daily diet with almond butter.
What flours should I avoid feeding my dog?
You should always avoid feeding your dog the following types of flours:
- Wheat
- Maize
Other types of dog-safe flours
Other types of flours that your dog can eat include:
- Whole wheat flour
- Brown rice flour
- Coconut flours
- Oatmeal
- Chicking flour. It’s flour
How to feed your dog with almond flour
Occasionally, you can present your pet with a roast treat containing organic almond flour without additional additives.
Never feed your pet pure almond flour. Instead, consider serving baked products to dogs, such as baked cookies or dog pie.
Although dogs can safely eat products containing organic almond flour, you should not feed your pet almond flour every day. Instead, treat it with an occasional baked bone.
Never feed your pet any kind of flour that contains artificial ingredients, especially xylitol. If you think your pet has ingested xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately.
So go ahead and bake some healthy treats for Fido using organic almond flour! He’ll love it as much as you do!